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Grief First Aid for Funeral Directors

Grief First Aid for Funeral Directors

What a notion – first aid for the professionals that deal with death every day?   Let’s talk about a successful internal programme we launched to assist our colleagues in 2024.   What is GFA? Grief first aid is just that.  First aid for anyone facing loss.  Normal...
Direct or Unattended Cremations

Direct or Unattended Cremations

There’s no doubt that the popularity of a direct cremation as a funeral choice is on the rise. It’s simplicity suits many people for a host of reasons but it can also leave a harmful legacy for family and friends. So here’s our quick guide to help families choose....
Our guide to woodland or natural burials

Our guide to woodland or natural burials

Spring brings traditions of Easter, school holidays, time jumping forward an hour.  As funeral directors, Spring can also trigger a rise in queries around natural or woodland funerals. Here’s our answers to six most frequently asked questions. 1.       Where? In the...
Financial benefits of funeral planning

Financial benefits of funeral planning

As we approach the fiscal year end, those looking to retirement are called on to top up ISAs and review their tax position and budgets. Enquiries about our Prepaid funeral plans often rise around this time of year. And here’s why. They are an efficient way of...
Examining the cost of a funeral

Examining the cost of a funeral

How much will it cost? It’s a common concern that families face when they’re organising a funeral.  Funerals are costly.  That’s because it involves the safe, dignified care of a loved one coupled with a time-critical administrative process when a myriad of decisions...
5 things you should ask a funeral director

5 things you should ask a funeral director

Coping with loss is hard enough.  But if you’re arranging a funeral, we know you’ll likely want to make informed decisions about which funeral director to appoint. So where do you start? As an independent family run funeral director, experience of supporting local...